BALANCE, the audiobook. April 19th release.

Pele stuffed a closet with happy-sound padding, bought expensive recording equipment and wedged me into that closet with a small chair and table. We ran tests with a professional book recording company to create a version of my book, Balance, on audible. There would be a professional sound engineer literally in my ear, downloading the book as I spoke, and giving me suggestions of what to re-read. In the end, our vagabonding lifestyle got in the way. When recording an audio book, it's best to be in the same location for 3 months. That way, you can re-record any imperfections or sections with mispronounced words (names, places, etc) from the exact our case...closet. After admitting we couldn't do that, the recording company auditioned professional readers. They narrowed them down to their top five. From that point,Pele and I were able to choose from a chapter sample that each of those five people read. As soon as I heard John Harrison Gass, I didn't need to hear the others. After listening to each of the others 500 times (I never exaggerate) Pele agreed John was best. So...the voice won't be mine, but this guy is amazing. The audio version gets released April 19th. Below, you'll find the Amazon pre-order link for audio book lovers. Balance: How to Invest and Spend for Happiness, Health, and Wealth (Audible Audio Edition): Andrew Hallam, John Harrison Gass, Page Two: Books Balance: How to Invest and Spend for Happiness, Health, and Wealth (Audible Audio Edition): Andrew Hallam, John Harrison Gass, Page Two: Books