Canadians Are Wasting Billions In These ETFs

When I wrote the first edition of Millionaire Teacher, the only U.S. or international stock market ETFs available on the Toronto Stock Exchange were currency-hedged. Plenty of investors bought those funds, which were still much better than actively managed products. But much better products (non-currency hedged ETFs) became available in 2013….and many investors didn’t get the memo. I did my best to publish why investors should change: in The Global Expatriate’s Guide To Investing (2014) in Millionaire Teacher (2nd edition, 2017) and in a story for The Globe and Mail (2014). But Canadians still have billions of dollars in these ETFs….the wrong ETFs. This morning, I published another story in The Globe and Mail about these products, providing more evidence and the passage of time to strengthen my point further.

Click below to read the rest of my Globe And Mail article.

Are Canadians wasting billions on currency-hedged ETFs?
Sometimes, attempts to innovate can get us running in hiking boots; such is the case with currency-hedged stock-market ETFs