From Dubai To Singapore American School Financial Talks

I’m getting used to whirlwind speaking trips in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

Last week, I spoke at 3 schools in Dubai, one school in Abu Dhabi, a business council, a radio show and a podcast.

The most inspiring, perhaps, was an additional evening talk. And I was the one inspired. Steve Cronin, a renaissance man–and the creator of Dead Simple Saving – knew I was free last Thursday. With 24 hours notice, he wanted to find a venue so I could speak at a public talk.

He spun some social media magic, created an Eventbrite signup, rented 100 chairs and offered his back yard in Dubai. I wasn’t sure how many people would show up, considering the short notice, and the fact that it was (to use my words) “in some dude’s backyard.” Plus, it was the start of Dubai’s weekend.

Amazingly, however, about 105 people came. During my talk, late arrivals continued to stream in. They stood in the dark far corner as we projected slides on the wall of Steve’s villa. Steve says he doesn’t enjoy organizing events. But he sure is good at it.

Attendees brought potluck-style food so we could all hang around and eat after my talk.

Yesterday morning, I left Dubai for Singapore.

It was great to see my book, Millionaire Expat, at Singapore’s Changi airport.

I’ll be meeting Singapore American School’s students and teachers every day this week. 

These Singapore American School sessions are NOT open to the public. 

However, if you are interested in having me speak at your school or business, I can do my best to customize the sessions. When I plan workshop sessions, I try to cater to the school or business’ needs. 

If you would like me to speak at your business or school, please contact me on my website.

Book Andrew To Speak



I’ve listed this week’s Singapore American School sessions below – just in case you’re curious.


Singapore American School Talks
Monday, October 22, 2018 & Tuesday, October 23, 2018
What’s Your Financial Freedom Number?
Topic: How much should you be investing to reach your retirement goal?
Length: 60 minutes

You might start to feel like the walls are closing in. You haven’t saved enough for your retirement. Perhaps you feel you’re late to the savings game. Perhaps a divorce, illness, or an exciting mid-life adventure cost more money than you thought.

In this hands-on workshop, all attendees will learn how much money they should be saving each month/year to attain their personal retirement goals. Attendees will require a laptop and a rough idea of the following:

  1. How much they are currently saving/investing each year
  2. What their stock/bond market investment portfolio is currently worth (if they have investments)
  3. What real estate rental income they receive each year
  4. How much annual income they would like to live on if they were to retire today

Wednesday, October 24, 2018
You Can Afford Anything … But Not Everything: How To Land On The Right End Of The Wealth Gap
Topic: The Behavioral Psychology of Spending and Saving
Length: 70 minutes

There’s a massive wealth gap between teachers at your school. Some are secret millionaires, thanks to some simple, effective habits. Others will struggle to fund an adequate retirement. In this session, Andrew will discuss how to most effectively spend and save your income, while understanding something called, opportunity cost. It might not sound sexy, but it’s actually really cool!

Thursday, October 25, 2018
This session is only applicable to Americans
Personal Investing to Work Less and Live More
Topic: Smart Fund Selections for Americans
Length: 60 minutes

The Investment Centre offers a selection of funds for American Roth 401(k) platforms. But which funds should you select? This session shows how to build a diversified portfolio from the offered funds. Some of the funds will have higher odds of success than others. Unfortunately, when investors select retirement funds, most choose the funds with the best, recent performance record. This is one of the worst things an investor can do. This session shows why chasing past performance is a poor strategy, and it shows how to best select a portfolio from the choices offered by The Investment Centre.

Friday, October 26, 2018
This session is only applicable to Non-Americans
Personal Investing to Work Less and Live More
Topic: Smart Fund Selections for Non-Americans
Length: 60 minutes

The Investment Centre offers a selection of funds for non-Americans at Singapore American School. SAS matches a portion of the teachers’ contributions. But which funds should you pick? Unfortunately, when investors select retirement funds, most choose the funds with the best, recent performance record. This is one of the worst things an investor can do. This session shows why chasing past performance is a poor strategy, and it shows how to best select a portfolio from the choices offered by The Investment Centre.

This session also shows how to get the biggest bang for your investment buck. After receiving your matching contribution, you could invest additional savings in a lower-cost platform. This will do two things. It will increase the probability of higher investment returns, and it will allow lower investors’ home-country currency risk. For example, teachers wishing to repatriate to Canada should build portfolios with at least some exposure to Canadian stocks and bonds. Such products aren’t offered by the Investment Center. Other non-Americans might prefer to do likewise with their respective home currencies.

Learn how to get The Investment Centre’s offerings with a low-cost diversified portfolio of exchange traded index funds. By doing so, you’ll be investing like Warren Buffett says you should.

There’s a massive wealth gap between teachers at your school. Some are secret millionaires, thanks to some simple, effective habits. Others will struggle to fund an adequate retirement. In this session, we’ll discuss how to most effectively spend and save your income, while understanding something called, opportunity cost. It might not sound sexy, but it’s actually really cool!



If you would like me to speak at your business or school, please contact me on my website.

Book Andrew To Speak