Is Berkshire Hathaway's Success A Thing Of The Distant Past?

Imagine this scenario: Somebody has the power to end your life unless… you put everything you have into a single U.S. stock.

If this were the case, what stock would you pick?

I’m curious to hear your thoughts.

My thoughts are here… which also include a giant plug for index funds, of course. 🙂

Image by Pixabay

Click below to read the rest of my AssetBuilder article.

Is Berkshire Hathaway’s Success Now In The Distant Past?
Warren Buffett says he has never recommended Berkshire Hathaway’s shares. He hasn’t done so in writing. He hasn’t done so on television. He even says he hasn’t done so privately. Yet, as the company’s chairman since 1965, he might have created more millionaires than anyone…ever. For decades, Ber…