The Teacher Hotline Podcast: Take 2
Listen to my second interview with Canada-based podcaster,Ronald Hae, from The Teacher Hotline podcast. In this 38 minute podcast we talked about the best investment products, Canada teacher pensions, how much you should keep in a cash account (for emergencies) as well as gold, cryptocurrencies and bond market ETFs. We also discussed whether your residence should be deemed an investment, or not.
The Teacher Hotline: Ep 22. Part 2: How Do You Make a Million Dollars on a Teacher Salary? on Apple Podcasts
Welcome to part 2 of our chat with Andrew Hallam! Teacher’s might not be making the same income as doctors or lawyers but it doesn’t mean we can’t build similar wealth! With the proper investing techniques and armed with the right knowledge, teachers can build a million dollar portfolio! Don’t bel…