Why A Sliding Stock Market Is Like A Winnable Baseball Game
A few weeks ago, a young investor contacted me with concern.
He asked, “What happens if we experience another “lost decade” for stocks? I’m afraid that I won’t make money. How do I protect myself from that?”
I told this investor that I have experienced two “lost decades”: from 2000-2010 (U.S. stocks) and from 2007-2017 (International stocks). And…my net worth continued to grow. I don’t care what the stock market does, and nor should he. I promised to write a story to help him understand, and to help anyone who fears another possible “lost decade.”
Image by Pixabay
I hope you find this useful.
Click below to read the rest of my AssetBuilder article.
Why A Sliding Stock Market Is Like A Winnable Baseball Game
A few days ago, one of my readers asked a question. He’s a 31-year old who’s new to investing. “What if the stock market doesn’t make money for a decade?” he asked. “Should I sit on the sidelines, stockpiling cash, and then wait to invest when stocks are cheaper?”In a recent column, I mentioned a…