Index Investors Need To Stay The Course
#Investing #MindsetGreat Britain, leaving the EU, is causing market volatility. But just stay the course. Keep a balanced portfolio. Don’t speculate about where you think markets…
Should You Sell Your Investments Every May?
#Mindset #InvestingNote: This post is a satire! Haven’t you heard? People have found that if they sell their stock market investments in May, then buy them…
Retirement Plans: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
#Advisors #Retirement #InvestingSaving for retirement in the U.S. means navigating a potential minefield of high fees and bad advice. John Oliver recently (hilariously) ripped apart the financial…
How Long Will Your Money Last?
#RetirementYou’re saving hard for your retirement. But you have a nagging question. “If I don’t have a pension, how long will my money last?…
Arigato Mr. Roboto - Robo-advisors in Japan
#Expat Investing #AdvisorsThis is a guest post by Ben Shearon, an English teacher living in Sendai, Japan. Ben runs the website RetireJapan to share information and help others…
When Best Mutual Fund Lists Can Strip You Naked
#Mindset #InvestingWarren Buffett once said, “Only when the tide goes out do you discover who’s swimming naked.” According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute, 83 percent…
Why Are Apple's Shares Down Almost 27 Percent?
#InvestingMy friend Donna owns plenty of shares in Apple stock. Her portfolio is worth about $200,000. It’s the only stock market investment that she…
Why Your Kids Should Start Investing Now!
#Children #InvestingConvince your kids to start investing when they’re young. Image by Pixabay Here’s Why! []…
Expatriate Investors: Does It Matter Which Currency Your ETF Is Listed In?
#Expat InvestingIt’s a common question. Does it matter what currency my ETF is listed in? The short answer is no. But people get fooled by this.…
Investing: How Do We Educate Teachers And Administrators In The Middle East?
#Expat InvestingYou’re an international educator. You didn’t go into your field to make money. Instead, you want to help people. You want to empower kids.…