Most Smart Beta Funds Could Soon Look Dumb
#InvestingCan you buy a special kind of index fund that will easily beat the market? Many people think so.Such products are available. They’re also…
My Own Advisor - Catching up with Millionaire Teacher and Expat
#Talks and Interviews #InvestingMark Seed recently interviewed me for publication on his blog. I compared stock markets to crocodiles in costumes. And I talked about the only kinds of…
Most Stock Market Investors Could Have A Really Bad Year
#Investing #MindsetIndian tribes in the Pacific Northwest often tell stories of the Raven. This mythological character is sometimes helpful. But he’s also a trickster who can…
Why Travel When The World Is Getting Scarier?
#LifestyleWhen my wife and I describe our upcoming tandem trip, many people say, “Be careful! The world is crazier than it ever used to be!” I…
Why This NYU Business Student Wants Stocks To Crash!
#Mindset #Investing #ChildrenOscar Adelman’s grandparents always wanted their grandson to be an investor. When he was born, they bought him shares of Home Depot stock. By the…
U.S Brokerages Slam The Doors On U.S. Expats
#Expat InvestingA couple of months ago, an American woman living in Singapore sent me an email. “I have investments with Morgan Stanley in the U.S.,” she…
Should You Even Bother To Rebalance Your Portfolio?
#Investing #MindsetInvestors often ask, “When should I rebalance my portfolio?” Most are looking for a perfect time of year.Others want to know if they should rebalance…
2015 Stock Market Returns Weren't Weak For Everyone
#InvestingMy lunch bill got stranger by the day. Every year, I come to the same Malaysian paradise.Timemagazine once rated it one of the 10 most…
Brokerage Battle: Saxo Capital Markets versus TD Direct International
I just finished reading a fabulous book, Why I Left Goldman Sachs []. Long-time employee, Greg Smith, left the firm…
Why Most People Should Hope For Stocks To Crash!
#Mindset #InvestingStocks have been jittery. You might be worried about crashing oil prices and the problems in China. And perhaps you should be worried. But let me…