Should This Investor Question His Investment Strategy?
#Investing #MindsetQuestion: My ETFs have not been performing well since I purchased them last year and I was wondering if I am right in thinking I should…
Building A Low Cost Portfolio With Socially Responsible Funds
#InvestingSome of my friends don’t feel good about investing. They want to make money. But they won’t support businesses that build missiles, hook kids…
Do Vanguard's Indexes Beat Their Own Actively Managed Funds?
#InvestingVanguard founder, John Bogle, is investing’s Pied Piper. He first blew his pipe in 1976. Things started slowly. But eventually, legions followed him into index…
Teachers Can Save A Small Fortune At These Schools Abroad
#Lifestyle #Expat InvestingLast year, elementary school counselor Nathan Schelble bought a $280,000 home in East Aurora, New York. He paid cash. It took him just three years…
How To Retire Ten Years Ahead of Schedule
#RetirementThere are two common ways to retire a full decade before Mr. and Mrs. Jones. The first isn’t rocket science. Avoid consumer debt and invest…
Don't Follow The Crowd Into The Wrong Index Funds
#InvestingCurrently, the most popular index funds in the United States are “currency hedged” ETFs. In this article, I explain what they are. And I try to…
Why The World's Fastest Growing Economy Could Be The World's Worst Investment
#InvestingEverybody knows that China is the world’s fastest growing economy. What you might not know, is that investing in its stock market could be a…
Nine Year Old Spends Thousands Without Her Parents Knowing
#Children“You wouldn’t believe what happened at work today,” said my friend, Keith Ferrell. He helps teachers and students integrate technology into elementary school classrooms. As…
Can Your Investments Earn Strong Returns With Almost No Risk?
#InvestingCan Your Investments Earn Strong Returns With Almost No Risk? I answer “yes” to that question. Listen to the Podcast at […
Too Many Investment Choices Limit Our Wealth
#MindsetWe often think that investment options are a good thing. But studies may prove otherwise. Image courtesy of Pixabay Check out my article at…