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Andrew Hallam

I’m a financial columnist for Canada’s national paper, The Globe and Mail, as well as for AssetBuilder, a financial service firm based in Texas. I’m also the author of <a href="https://milliona

899 posts

The Rise And Stall of China


I don’t invest in China. When I chose an international stock market ETF, I bypassed the Middle Kingdom, purchasing Vanguard’s first world index for…

Andrew Hallam

Hedging Against Forex Moves? Don't Waste Your Money


When I published my book, Millionaire Teacher, the Canadian exchange traded index funds providing exposure to the U.S. and foreign markets were all “currency hedged”…

Andrew Hallam

Muhammad Ali and Your Kids’ Money


How do we convince our children to save money? It isn’t easy. They’re exposed to flashy lifestyles of media-blown celebrities. They’re living in…

Andrew Hallam

Think You're Smarter Than A Hedge Fund Manager?

#Mindset #Investing

In the Globe and Mail’s Strategy Lab investment competition, the indexed portfolio I created last September is in last place. My colleagues Norm Rothery, Chris…

Andrew Hallam

Christmas 2012: Cycling the Chiang Mai/Mae Hong Son Loop

#Travel #Lifestyle

By the time we were 450 kilometers into our northern Thailand cycling vacation, my wife and I could have summited Everest. The world’s highest peak…

Andrew Hallam

Cat Chews up Professional Stock Pickers


Orlando, the cat, beats hand-picked professional investors at stock picking.…

Andrew Hallam

Predictable Returns For Market Cap Monsters?


In 1999, I joined an investment club comprised of fellow school teachers. We used the service at to track our returns. On the company…

Andrew Hallam

Index Investing in Singapore For Expat New Zealanders

#Expat Investing

If you’re a New Zealander living in Singapore, you may be wondering about investment options. Perhaps you’ve been approached by someone representing Friends Provident…

Andrew Hallam

How I triumphed over bone cancer and reshaped my investing strategy

#Lifestyle #Investing

In May of 2009, when I was 38 years old, I outran 13,000 competitors to win the JP Morgan Corporate Challenge, an annual 5.6-kilometre…

Andrew Hallam

Why We’re Headed For Decent Market Returns Ahead

On January 14, 2000 the Dow hit 11,722 points. As I write, it’s at 13,190 points… just 12.5 percent higher. Before concluding…

Andrew Hallam