The Rise And Stall of China
#InvestingI don’t invest in China. When I chose an international stock market ETF, I bypassed the Middle Kingdom, purchasing Vanguard’s first world index for…
Hedging Against Forex Moves? Don't Waste Your Money
#InvestingWhen I published my book, Millionaire Teacher, the Canadian exchange traded index funds providing exposure to the U.S. and foreign markets were all “currency hedged”…
Muhammad Ali and Your Kids’ Money
#ChildrenHow do we convince our children to save money? It isn’t easy. They’re exposed to flashy lifestyles of media-blown celebrities. They’re living in…
Think You're Smarter Than A Hedge Fund Manager?
#Mindset #InvestingIn the Globe and Mail’s Strategy Lab investment competition, the indexed portfolio I created last September is in last place. My colleagues Norm Rothery, Chris…
Christmas 2012: Cycling the Chiang Mai/Mae Hong Son Loop
#Travel #LifestyleBy the time we were 450 kilometers into our northern Thailand cycling vacation, my wife and I could have summited Everest. The world’s highest peak…
Cat Chews up Professional Stock Pickers
#InvestingOrlando, the cat, beats hand-picked professional investors at stock picking.…
Predictable Returns For Market Cap Monsters?
#InvestingIn 1999, I joined an investment club comprised of fellow school teachers. We used the service at to track our returns. On the company…
Index Investing in Singapore For Expat New Zealanders
#Expat InvestingIf you’re a New Zealander living in Singapore, you may be wondering about investment options. Perhaps you’ve been approached by someone representing Friends Provident…
How I triumphed over bone cancer and reshaped my investing strategy
#Lifestyle #InvestingIn May of 2009, when I was 38 years old, I outran 13,000 competitors to win the JP Morgan Corporate Challenge, an annual 5.6-kilometre…
Why We’re Headed For Decent Market Returns Ahead
On January 14, 2000 the Dow hit 11,722 points. As I write, it’s at 13,190 points… just 12.5 percent higher. Before concluding…