ETF Investors: Could You Pass This Little Quiz On Currency Risk And Performance?
#Financial Literacy #InvestingTake this 5-question quiz on currency risk and performance. If you don’t pass with flying colors, I provide answers and an explanation for each question.…
By Saving $500 A Month, You Could Have $1,033,000 Over 60 Years If You Keep Asking This One Question
#Mindset #InvestingAsking for discounts might not sound exciting. But it can have massive impacts when we invest what we save.…
What The Psychology Of Rats Can Teach You About Lump Sum Investing
#Investing #Mindset #Financial LiteracyIf you had a lump sum, would you invest it all at once, or dollar cost average that money over time? I weigh in on that debate, here:…
Sarwa's Generosity and Financial Wellness Talks
#Talks and InterviewsIt's great to team up with schools and local businesses to promote financial wellness. Today I delivered the first of three financial wellness sessions for GEMS UAE teachers. Thank you Sarwa and GEMS.…
How To Beat The U.S. Stock Market Using ETFs
#InvestingIf someone forced me to put 10% of my portfolio into something speculative, I wouldn't buy individual stocks. Instead, I would put the odds of probability in my favor. Here's what I would buy:…
To Benefit From Bonds The Devil Is In The Details
#InvestingTo Benefit From Bonds The Devil Is In The Details Bond market funds have become pariahs. But in this article, I explain why they'll turn around, using the soul-hungry devil and Manchester United. Who would have thought, right?…
How Can Your Portfolio Soar In This Market Environment?
#Talks and Interviews #Financial Literacy #InvestingAndrew Hallam and Sarwa's Mark Chahwan discuss the dropping markets and how to deal with them in this Oct 25th webinar.…
Revealed! The World's Best Stock Market Predictor
#Investing #Financial LiteracyIf you're wondering how stocks will perform this year and next, you might find this helpful.…
Are You Skating On Thin Ice With Your Investment Portfolio?
#InvestingIf you're investing in a diversified portfolio right now, keep adding money. You have ground beneath your feet. Plenty of others, however, are on thin ice.…
Want To Retire Earlier And Stay Healthy? Here’s An Investing Strategy To Do Just That.
#Retirement #InvestingI never really thought about how the right kind of investing could affect a couple's health until I had this conversation with a couple of friends. I wrote about this for The Globe and Mail.…