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The Nine Laws to Financial Freedom
My book, Millionaire Teacher, became an international bestseller, but I didn’t write it to make money. Instead, I wanted to offer evidence-based financial suggestions that people could benefit from. Many of the lessons within Millionaire Teacher can be found in 9 Laws to Financial Freedom. You could save your money and NOT buy the book.
Introduction: Getting Real About Denial
When I was five years old, I received a tetanus shot in school. I bawled like a patsy but eventually learned that I wouldn’t be receiving my next shot until the fifth grade. This was the greatest news ever; in my mind, grade five was adulthood, or pretty close to it. Lost in denial (with my parents’ traffic warnings ringing in my ears) I figured an unseen Chevy could end everything before the distant age of ten. So why sweat it?
My Kindergarten denial was harmless, but financial denial is potentially dangerous. The odds are decent that you’ll reach retirement age. I don’t actually like the “R” word myself. I prefer “financial freedom” instead: the option to work — if you choose to — or lay on a hammock after a workout and a massage for as many years as you wish. If this sounds desirable, please keep reading; I’ll list a few laws you could follow to increase your odds of financial success.
- Introduction: Getting Real About Denial
- Law #1 – Only Fools Pay Regular Credit Card Interest
- Law #2 – Rainy Day Money Prevents Drowning
- Law #3 – Pay Yourself First
- Law #4 – Embrace Your Inner Sloth
- Law #5 – Be Aware When Financial Advisors Exploit
- Law #6 – Financial Advisors with a Conscience
- Law #7 – When Falling Stocks Are Better Than Rising Ones
- Law #8 – Bonds Aren’t For Wimps
- Law #9 – Start with a Map or Risk Getting Lost
- End Note: Further Suggestions
To read the full report, please fill in the form to the right of screen and I’ll immediately send to you the 9 Laws to Financial Freedom — and keep you updated in future.
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Law #5 – Be Aware When Financial Advisors Exploit
Additional Resources
- Unconventional Success, David Swensen
- The Buffett Hedge Fund Challenge
- A Random Walk Down Wall Street, Burton Malkiel
- Morningstar
- The Little Book of Common Sense Investing, John Bogle
- The Essays of Warren Buffett, Lawrence Cunningham
- The Four Pillars of Investing, Dr William Bernstein
- The Dick Davis Dividend, Dick Davis
For further reading on the superiority of index funds over actively managed funds:
- Millionaire Teacher, by Andrew Hallam, Wiley, 2011
- The Elements of Investing, by Charles D. Ellis and Burton Malkiel
- The New Coffeehouse Investor, by Bill Schultheis
- The Smartest Investment Book You’ll Ever Read, by Daniel R. Solin
- The Quest For Alpha, by Larry Swedroe
- How A Second Grader Beats Wall Street, by Allan S. Roth
- Random Walk Down Wall Street, by Burton G. Malkiel, 2003
- The Bogleheads, by Taylor Larimore, Mel Lindauer and Michael LeBoeuf, 2007
- The Four Pillars of Investing, by William Bernstein, 2003
- The Lazy Person’s Guide to Investing, by Paul B Farrell, 2004
- The Little Book of Common Sense Investing, by John Bogle 2007
- Unconventional Success, by David Swenson 2008
Law #6 – Financial Advisors with a Conscience
Additional Resources
- Vanguard
- Assetbuilder
- RW Investments
- Save the Student blog – Andrew’s Article at Save the Student
- Canadian couch potato
- Expat-investing section – on this blog.
Law #7 – When Falling Stocks Are Better Than Rising Ones
Additional Resources
- CNN Money Buffett Advice – Read more about Buffett’s philosophy
- The Essays of Warren Buffett, Lawrence Cunningham
Law #8 – Bonds Aren’t For Wimps
Additional Resources
Law #9 – Start with a Map or Risk Getting Lost
Additional Resources
End Note: Further Suggestions
Additional Resources
- For a more detailed understanding, read my book, Millionaire Teacher available from Amazon.
- Would you still like to learn more about investing? Here are some investment book suggestions
- Did you get the Nine Laws to Financial Freedom from a friend? It may be an older version. To get the most up-to-date version, fill in the form to the right. This only needs to be done once and we’ll send you updates as they become available.
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