Will Your Child Be As Lousy With Money As The Average Spoiled Accountant?
#Children #LifestyleIn his classic book, The Millionaire Next Door [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1589795474/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=usaphallam-20&camp=…
How Much Do You Get Paid?
#Children #MindsetCulturally, asking someone how much they make is like asking them how many bowel movements they make in a day. In some cultures—like Singapore, for…
The Toughest Financial Challenge of All
#Childrenfu bu guo san dai Affluent kids are, statistically, on the financial endangered species list. And when, a few weeks ago, the business teacher at my…
The Millionaire Teacher — The Nine Rules of Wealth You Should Have Learned in School…But Didn’t
#Financial Literacy #ChildrenMany schools do a great job teaching their students. Where I teach high school English, at Singapore American School [http://www.sas.edu.sg/], we have…
Canadian schools teaching the truth about actively managed mutual funds
#Financial Literacy #ChildrenAscending to the role of British Columbia Financial Education Moderator, the representatives for the Canadian banks applauded tepidly—if not a bit nervously—when Harry Hall…
Indecent Exposure?
#Children #Financial LiteracyI’ve always been an advocate of financial education. One of the reasons we had the financial crisis of 2008/2009 is because too many people…
Can Scrounging For Soda Pop Cans Make You A Millionaire?
#Financial Literacy #ChildrenA five year old girl named Star is brought up on a Bohemian island where the locals make their own clothes, where neither men nor women…