It wasn’t normal.

In 2006, Floyd Landis stood on his pedals and left the world’s best Tour de France cyclists gasping in his wake.

I still remember watching it on television. It was as if the Pennsylvanian were shot from a cannon. In the modern era, most of the race’s stage victors win by seconds.

But that day, Floyd Landis gained more than six minutes. Not even Lance Armstrong, in his drug-fueled heyday, crushed his competitors by six minutes in a single day.

Floyd Landis soon stood on the podium as the overall winner. But a few days later, his titled was stripped because Landis tested positive for drugs.

According to Tyler Hamilton, co-author of The Secret Race, if a cyclist thought another rider was on intravenous rocket fuel, the riders never told the press.

But they shared their thoughts with one another in cryptic code. They might say, “His performance was extra-terrestrial.” Or they might say, “He was out of this world” or “That wasn’t normal.”

When it’s too good to be true…

Such is the case with the U.S. stock market.

Image by Pixabay 

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