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Andrew Hallam

I’m a financial columnist for Canada’s national paper, The Globe and Mail, as well as for AssetBuilder, a financial service firm based in Texas. I’m also the author of <a href="https://milliona

899 posts

The Naked Emperors That Cost Investors Billions

#Investing #Mindset

Have you ever thought: “I’m not going to invest now because the markets are so high. I’m going to wait.” Or, have you ever…

Andrew Hallam

Are These The World's Best Funds For Real-World Performance?


In this article, I wrote about an amazing type of fund / ETF for Americans, Canadians and Australians. Yes, you can find slightly cheaper ETFs. But in…

Andrew Hallam

Why These 27 American Women Won't Be Leaving Mexico

#Lifestyle #Retirement #Travel

Some people choose to retire in a low-cost country for the culture or adventure. Others do so because they can’t afford the cost of living…

Andrew Hallam

How Investors Can Win With Target Retirement Funds


Investing in the stock market is like a long bicycle race. Sometimes, the markets give us tough hills to climb. Other times, they provide huge tailwinds.…

Andrew Hallam

Why It Keeps Looking Worse For Actively Managed Funds

#Advisors #Investing

You say a really smart man or woman is behind your amazing mutual fund? You say it has a winning track record against its benchmark index…

Andrew Hallam

Seven Rules That Property Investors Could Learn From Warren Buffett


Warren Buffett is probably the world’s greatest business buyer. If you’re buying a property that you plan to rent to a tenant, you’re…

Andrew Hallam

Are America's Airlines Among The World's Worst?

#Investing #Lifestyle

The late comedian, Rodney Dangerfield, built a career out of saying, “I get no respect.” That might become a tagline for America’s airlines. Based on…

Andrew Hallam

Should Investors Rebalance Their Portfolios More Than Once A Year?

#Investing #Mindset

Most investors know that they should rebalance their portfolios once a year. But if rebalancing is good, wouldn’t more frequent rebalancing be better? I explain…

Andrew Hallam

Is The Global Permanent Portfolio The World's Most Stable Investment?

#Investing #Expat Investing

Some investors can’t stomach annual losses. If they “lose” money it makes them nervous. If that’s you, consider a portfolio that, over the past…

Andrew Hallam

Rent an OceanCamper Van in Portugal to Get Off The Beaten Track

#Travel #Lifestyle

Last week, my wife and I were looking at places to stay in southern Portugal. Like plenty of people do, we started to look on AirBnB.…

Andrew Hallam