The Naked Emperors That Cost Investors Billions
#Investing #MindsetHave you ever thought: “I’m not going to invest now because the markets are so high. I’m going to wait.” Or, have you ever…
Are These The World's Best Funds For Real-World Performance?
#InvestingIn this article, I wrote about an amazing type of fund / ETF for Americans, Canadians and Australians. Yes, you can find slightly cheaper ETFs. But in…
Why These 27 American Women Won't Be Leaving Mexico
#Lifestyle #Retirement #TravelSome people choose to retire in a low-cost country for the culture or adventure. Others do so because they can’t afford the cost of living…
How Investors Can Win With Target Retirement Funds
#InvestingInvesting in the stock market is like a long bicycle race. Sometimes, the markets give us tough hills to climb. Other times, they provide huge tailwinds.…
Why It Keeps Looking Worse For Actively Managed Funds
#Advisors #InvestingYou say a really smart man or woman is behind your amazing mutual fund? You say it has a winning track record against its benchmark index…
Seven Rules That Property Investors Could Learn From Warren Buffett
#InvestingWarren Buffett is probably the world’s greatest business buyer. If you’re buying a property that you plan to rent to a tenant, you’re…
Are America's Airlines Among The World's Worst?
#Investing #LifestyleThe late comedian, Rodney Dangerfield, built a career out of saying, “I get no respect.” That might become a tagline for America’s airlines. Based on…
Should Investors Rebalance Their Portfolios More Than Once A Year?
#Investing #MindsetMost investors know that they should rebalance their portfolios once a year. But if rebalancing is good, wouldn’t more frequent rebalancing be better? I explain…
Is The Global Permanent Portfolio The World's Most Stable Investment?
#Investing #Expat InvestingSome investors can’t stomach annual losses. If they “lose” money it makes them nervous. If that’s you, consider a portfolio that, over the past…
Rent an OceanCamper Van in Portugal to Get Off The Beaten Track
#Travel #LifestyleLast week, my wife and I were looking at places to stay in southern Portugal. Like plenty of people do, we started to look on AirBnB.…