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Andrew Hallam

I’m a financial columnist for Canada’s national paper, The Globe and Mail, as well as for AssetBuilder, a financial service firm based in Texas. I’m also the author of <a href="https://milliona

899 posts

Should You Pay For Your Child's College Education?

#Children #Investing

I would love to see a longitudinal study that answers this question: “Should parents pay for ALL of their children’s college education?” If I had…

Andrew Hallam

If You Have Money To Invest, Do It. Now!


Most people worry about when to invest. They worry about whether they could be investing at exactly the wrong time. Image by Pixabay Read the rest…

Andrew Hallam

When A 4% Investment Fee Hurts More Than A 20% Investment Fee

#Investing #Mindset

When comparing investment service companies, it’s important to understand that not all fees are considered equal. Companies often use complicated fee structures as a smoke…

Andrew Hallam

Ten Top Financial Advisors For Expatriate Investors

#Expat Investing #Advisors

Each week, millions of expatriates build small backyard fires. They pull out matches. They take $10 bills out of their pockets. Then they burn them. Every…

Andrew Hallam

How AES International (in Dubai) Will Build You A Portfolio Of Index Funds

#Advisors #Expat Investing

I get it! Most investors don’t want to invest their own money.  They would much rather leave the task to somebody else. If it’s…

Andrew Hallam

Could This Friends Provident Pension Become A Kayak In A Hurricane?

#Expat Investing #Advisors

I’ll call the investor Carl. On December 6, 2013, he met a financial advisor who works for the DeVere Group.  He recommended that Carl invest…

Andrew Hallam

Correcting One Huge Mistake That Many Investors Make

#Mindset #Investing

A beaming young girl handed me a couple of lamb skewers. Her father had cooked them over an open fire beside the river after her mother…

Andrew Hallam

Has Your Offshore Pension Let You Down?

#Advisors #Expat Investing

On the 19th of April 2016, I spoke to a group of international teachers in Muscat, Oman. Many owned offshore pensions.  If you’re a non-American…

Andrew Hallam

Does A Fiduciary Standard Mean Advisors Must Be Buddhas?

#Advisors #Investing

In 2013, Fidelity’s employees sued Fidelity for failing to push index funds in their company’s 401K. As a result, most of the 401K money…

Andrew Hallam

Smart Index Fund Investing in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

#Expat Investing #Advisors

Expats who live in Dubai can build low cost portfolios of index funds. They could do it on their own, or they could hire a highly…

Andrew Hallam