Why It Keeps Getting Tougher To Beat Index Funds
#InvestingInvestment writer and researcher, Larry Swedroe, has anew book [http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00S9UKXN2/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&…
Why Traveling In Mexico Is Both Safe And Great
#LifestyleOK, if you read U.S. headlines, you wouldn’t visit Mexico. I get that. The media smears Mexico. It’s like reporting on Jennifer Lopez’…
Why Canada's Mutual Fund Managers Could Simply Be Bummed
#Investing #AdvisorsCanada’s mutual fund managers could be depressed. And why wouldn’t they be? The money they manage gets throttled by index funds. Psychologically, how could…
An Index-Beating Strategy For Fearless Dividend Investors
#InvestingTwenty-five years ago,Michael O’Higgins [http://www.amazon.com/Beating-Revised-Updated-Michael-OHiggins/dp/0066620473/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top] began to write a book. The Miami-based…
Five Big Perks To Living And Working in the U.S.A.
#LifestyleMany say that America is no longer the land of opportunity. Times have changed. Years ago, the new world offered what old Europe didn’t. Land…
What International Teachers And Administrators Need To Know About Investing
#Expat InvestingRobert Landau knows a thing or two about teaching. He has worked overseas for four decades. He has spent the past 25 years working as a…
Three Questions That Bruise The Small Cap Performance Myth
#InvestingMost of us believe that small stocks outperform large stocks. Studies agree. But were those studies correct? Perhaps not. Read the latest in my AssetBuilder column…
How Non-Americans Might Have To Pay U.S. Estate Taxes
#Expat InvestingAre you a non-American expat who owns shares in Apple, Google, Coca Cola, Johnson & Johnson or a U.S. index? If the answer is yes,…
Are Index Fund Investors Simply Smarter?
#Investing #MindsetWe hear a lot about the low costs of index funds. Sure, they outperform most actively managed funds. As a result, many people assume that those…
Top Ten Tips For International School Teachers To Build A Solid Retirement
#Retirement #Expat InvestingMany international school teachers don’t think enough about retirement. And that’s understandable. The whole concept can seem confusing. But it isn’t. And those…