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Andrew Hallam

I’m a financial columnist for Canada’s national paper, The Globe and Mail, as well as for AssetBuilder, a financial service firm based in Texas. I’m also the author of <a href="https://milliona

899 posts

Millionaire Teacher Sells $80,000 Of Stock Indexes

#Andrew's Money

U.S. and International stock markets are rising like muffins juiced on Lance Armstrong’s breakfast. As a result, my bond allocation has slipped to just…

Andrew Hallam

How To Open A Vanguard Investment Account For A Minor


If you’re an American parent wanting to give your kids a HUGE advantage in life, watch this screencast below. One of my students, 17 year…

Andrew Hallam

Willpower Trumps IQ And Social Status In The Quest For Wealth

#Mindset #Investing

Willpower is a greater indicator of financial success than IQ or social status. And becoming “tougher” in one area can have benefits in others: Read My…

Andrew Hallam

Why You Probably Shouldn't Invest In Google


If you’re considering investing in Google, you would have higher statistical odds of beating this snazzy stock with a randomly selected company off the New…

Andrew Hallam

How I Failed A Hedge Fund Manager

#Children #Investing #Advisors

Many of my graduating high school students eventually land careers in finance. That’s where the money is.  I live in Singapore, one of the world’…

Andrew Hallam

Can You Really Beat The Market From Your Laptop?


My Globe and Mail Strategy Lab colleagues, Norm Rothery, John Heinlz and Chris Umiastowski are probably putting together the best stock picking run that has ever…

Andrew Hallam

High School Personal Finance Student Produces Amazing Real Estate Project

#Children #Mindset #Investing

Allow me to introduce Michaela Santillo, a 16-year old student at Singapore American School. Articulate, and with incredible organizational skills, she presented a project in front…

Andrew Hallam

High School Investing Student Reveals How Plumbers Could Grow Richer Than Doctors

#Mindset #Lifestyle #Investing

One of my personal finance students, Lane Peeler, downloaded a screencast on youtube showing how a plumber could end up far wealthier than a doctor. It…

Andrew Hallam

Are We Afraid of China Or Is China Afraid Of Us?

#Investing #Lifestyle

Many people fear China’s capacity to economically take over the world. But I see things differently. Instead, China represent a few billion future customers for…

Andrew Hallam

Indexing with muscle: Sizing up iShares’ Portfolio Builders ETFs


Do you want active money management for the price of an index? If so, you might like reading about these iShares builders. image by pixabay Read…

Andrew Hallam