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Andrew Hallam

I’m a financial columnist for Canada’s national paper, The Globe and Mail, as well as for AssetBuilder, a financial service firm based in Texas. I’m also the author of <a href="https://milliona

899 posts

Can Experts Predict The Stock Market’s Direction?

It makes sense that the world’s fastest growing economies produce the best stock returns. But what “makes sense” doesn’t always align with reality. Consider…

Andrew Hallam

Why Millionaire Teacher Had $370,000 in Berkshire Hathaway Stock

#Andrew's Money

Why did I once hold $370,000 USD in Berkshire Hathaway stock? I explain why, for The Globe and Mail here […

Andrew Hallam

Revisiting Fundamental Index Funds


I have a weakness for fundamental indexes. No, I don’t own any…at least not yet. But philosophically, I agree with their premise. Recently, I…

Andrew Hallam

Vanguard Canada Adds Five New Funds To The Mix


Vanguard Canada offers five new exchange traded funds to the Toronto Stock Exchange. As I’ve said here in the Globe and Mail, they’re definitely…

Andrew Hallam

The Permanent Portfolio That Defies Speculation


Here’s an investment strategy that always looks foolish, regardless of market conditions. But ironically, it has always worked. I wrote this article for the Globe…

Andrew Hallam

Why The Baby Boomers' Children Should Hope For Falling Stock Prices

#Mindset #Investing

Women aspiring to run the Boston marathon train to meet a qualifying standard. Before 1972, they had to do so much more. Barred from entering, they…

Andrew Hallam

With U.S. Stocks On A Tear, Our Index Investor Finally Makes A Trade


This might sound crazy, but I don’t want to see my indexes rise in value. MyVanguard U.S. stock market index […

Andrew Hallam

Royal Skandia...On The List of Legal Corruption?

#Advisors #Expat Investing

The stories of heartache continue rolling in from investors feeling duped by groups like Friends Provident, Zurich International and Generali Vision. But it wouldn’t be…

Andrew Hallam

When Money Meets Misery

#Lifestyle #Mindset

Is the world’s richest country really the most miserable? My latest AssetBuilder article may have compelling proof […

Andrew Hallam

Index Funds...With Less of a Temper?


Is there a new type of index fund that’s actually less temperamental? I tackle this question for The Globe and Mail […

Andrew Hallam