Roughly ten years ago, I sat in a Denny’s diner with Dr. Bob Clarke

He took me out for breakfast to talk about stocks, and after half an hour, he had to remind me to eat my food.  I talked and talked and talked.

And like the gentleman he was, he listened and listened and listened.

A short while later, he died of cancer, but this pillar of the Comox Valley community told me something I’ll never forget:

“Money is like manure.  It doesn’t do any good, unless you spread it around.”

If I had talked less and listened more, I would have gleaned other jewels of wisdom from this widely respected gent.

Dr. Clarke was probably using “money” to relate to me.  Using a bit of Dale Carnegie 101, he was likely trying to teach me something else.

From what I knew of him, he was a selfless man who raised three great kids, and was always available when somebody needed a helping hand.  If I had talked less and listened more, he might have told me how he lived his life….helping others.  And naturally, I would have been inspired.

Money, of course, isn’t important….unless you don’t have any.

And readers of financial blogs, from what I have learned from reading their comments, have gone out of their way to financially help their friends, family and colleagues.  Let’s uncover some of those stories, shall we?

Have you convinced anyone to pay off their credit card debts?

Have you taught anyone how to negotiate the rate on their mortgage?

Have you shown people how to avoid excessive investment costs?

This is why I ask.

When I was reading about Benjamin Franklin’s life, I was very impressed by the earliest Junto Society that he formed.  Weekly, he and a group of men (yeah, he was sexist) met to discuss their successes.

But “success” was defined by how each man added value to society that week.

You can call it boasting, but I won’t. 

The inspirational meetings he established encouraged the Junto Society members to perpetuate their good deeds.  Doing great things for others became contagious….and the inspired members wanted to keep doing those great deeds , week in and week out.

So I want to be inspired by you.  And I want you to inspire others.

Tell me a story of how you helped someone financially. 

Write it anonymously if you wish.  And don’t be shy.  By sharing your tale, you’ll encourage others far more than you realize.

So please share. Thank you!