BALANCE: How To Invest and Spend for Happiness, Health and Wealth.  Grab Your Copy Now.


Four Great Tips for Raising Money Savvy Teens

#Children #Investing

Darth Vader became a galactic wrecking ball. Some Star Wars fans blame Obi-Wan (Ben) Kenobi. Yoda, the lovable green Jedi Master, had warned Kenobi that Anakin…

Andrew Hallam

Do You Want Your Children To Succeed? Here Are Two Great Tips.


Amy Chua ruffled a lot of feathers when she wrote, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. She said Asian kids have an edge over Western kids…

Andrew Hallam

How Every Young Parent Could Make Life Easier For Their Kids

#Children #Investing

My wife, Pele, and I met a very interesting woman who inspired my latest column. I then interviewed her father. He shows how parents can make…

Andrew Hallam

Get A Free College Education By Studying Abroad

#Lifestyle #Children

Recently, somebody asked me what I liked most about our 3 month European cycling trip. I loved the places we saw. But that wasn’t it.…

Andrew Hallam

Can't Get A Job With Your College Degree?

#Children #Lifestyle

In what areas of study are job prospects lousy? And where are they great? I just wrote a story about college degrees. It might provide a…

Andrew Hallam

Why Your Kids Should Start Investing Now!

#Children #Investing

Convince your kids to start investing when they’re young. Image by Pixabay Here’s Why! []…

Andrew Hallam

Should You Pay For Your Child's College Education?

#Children #Investing

I would love to see a longitudinal study that answers this question: “Should parents pay for ALL of their children’s college education?” If I had…

Andrew Hallam

Why This NYU Business Student Wants Stocks To Crash!

#Mindset #Investing #Children

Oscar Adelman’s grandparents always wanted their grandson to be an investor. When he was born, they bought him shares of Home Depot stock. By the…

Andrew Hallam

How Our Praise And Support Can Make Kids Weak


Nine year old Kiana wanted to show me and her parents something she had created at school. It’s called a Prezi—something like a powerpoint,…

Andrew Hallam

How Parents Can Strengthen Their Kids' Money Muscles


I don’t think parents should invest money for their kids. I don’t think they should give their kids money towards a car. I don’…

Andrew Hallam