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Why The World Isn't Going To Hell In A Hand Basket

#Mindset #Lifestyle

My friend loaned me an amazing book last week: Enlightenment Now, by Harvard professor, Steven Pinker. Bill Gates says it’s his “new favorite book of…

Andrew Hallam

How Much Money Do You Need To Retire?

#Retirement #Lifestyle #Mindset

My wife and I are homeless. That doesn’t mean we live under bridges or dig food out of garbage bins. Instead, for the past four…

Andrew Hallam

What We Can Learn From The Mistakes Of Millionaires

#Lifestyle #Mindset

People drink during good times. They drink when times are bad. Bernhard Stroh knew this. He also learned how to build a fortune. In 1850, he…

Andrew Hallam

What Warren Buffett's Mentor Could Teach Us About Life And Money

#Investing #Lifestyle #Mindset

Benjamin Graham led a colorful life. He chased women. He loved philosophy, languages, travel and different cultures. He was Warren Buffett’s professor at Columbia University.…

Andrew Hallam

Why Plenty Of People Like Retirement In Belize

#Retirement #Lifestyle

For years, I’ve known that Belize is a popular retirement destination for plenty of expats. But when I first drove into the country, I couldn’…

Andrew Hallam

Why The Rich Think They're Happier Than Research Says They Are

#Mindset #Lifestyle

Are rich people happier than the rest of us? They think they are. But in this article, Andrew Hallam reveals something different.…

Andrew Hallam

How Do We Really Feel About The Rich And The Poor?

#Mindset #Lifestyle

When I was about 12 years old, one of my friends told me a joke. He asked, “What’s the difference between a bumblebee and a…

Andrew Hallam

How The Pink Tax Could Cost Each Woman A Million Dollars

#Lifestyle #Investing

A friend recently posted a video on Facebook about the Pink Tax. It’s an amazing example how retailers rip off women, charging them more for…

Andrew Hallam

So You Don't Think You Have Enough Money To Travel The World?

#Lifestyle #Mindset

My wife and I have been travelling in a camper van for the past nine months. We drove from Canada, and we’re (hopefully) on our…

Andrew Hallam

Frugal And Single? There's Plenty Of Hope For You!

#Mindset #Lifestyle #Investing

For all the frugal singles out there…yes, there’s hope! Research shows that frugality might be the ticket to your next date. image by pixabay…

Andrew Hallam