Why Not Consider Retiring In Costa Rica?
#Retirement #Lifestyle #MindsetIf you want to retire before you have enough money, why not consider Costa Rica?…
Could One Secret To Happiness Be The Place You Choose To Live?
#Lifestyle #MindsetDoes your neighbors' wealth affect your health and happiness?…
Why These Americans Choose To Live In The Middle East
#LifestyleLearn why these Americans choose to live in the Middle East.…
The Simple Things I Did To Build Wealth and Happiness
#Lifestyle #InvestingI wrote an international bestselling book in 2011. I wanted to call it, The Nine Rules of Wealth You Should Have Learned In School. But the…
Andrew Hallam Is The Man In The Van With A Plan
#Talks and Interviews #LifestyleMark Seed's (of "My Own Advisor") recent interview with Andrew Hallam about the FIRE movement (Financial Independence), his talks, and his lifestyle.…
Why These 27 American Women Won't Be Leaving Mexico
#Lifestyle #Retirement #TravelSome people choose to retire in a low-cost country for the culture or adventure. Others do so because they can’t afford the cost of living…
Are America's Airlines Among The World's Worst?
#Investing #LifestyleThe late comedian, Rodney Dangerfield, built a career out of saying, “I get no respect.” That might become a tagline for America’s airlines. Based on…
Rent an OceanCamper Van in Portugal to Get Off The Beaten Track
#Travel #LifestyleLast week, my wife and I were looking at places to stay in southern Portugal. Like plenty of people do, we started to look on AirBnB.…
Why Vacations To England Are The Cheapest In Years
#Travel #LifestyleWe drove down a country lane, passing lush, green hedges that were almost as high as our car. The road narrowed before going over a tiny,…
Money Won't Make You Happier, But How You Spend It Might
#Mindset #Lifestyle“Don’t flail your arms when you’re near the sharks,” warned the instructor. Steve Cronin, a longtime scuba diver, had never swum near sharks before.…