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Andrew Hallam

I’m a financial columnist for Canada’s national paper, The Globe and Mail, as well as for AssetBuilder, a financial service firm based in Texas. I’m also the author of <a href="https://milliona

899 posts

Zurich International, Friends Provident and Generali Vision Have Costly Kissing Cousins

#Advisors #Expat Investing

More stories about exploited expatriate investors are starting to hit the news. Here’s another shocker from the South China Morning Post […

Andrew Hallam

Malaysia: World's Best Retirement Destination?

#Retirement #Lifestyle

A friend of mine lived in Tokyo for many years. He demonstrated Japanese culture for his many visitors by dropping his wallet on a pedestrian clogged…

Andrew Hallam

Canadian Divorcee in Singapore Finds Her Investment Wings

#Investing #Expat Investing

Amy Grant, like so many married women, let her husband manage their investments. But in 2010, the Singapore-based Canadian couple split up.   It left Amy in…

Andrew Hallam

International Teaching: Perils to Beware

#Advisors #Expat Investing

With no pensions to contribute to, International Teaching can be a hazardous occupation. You save your money in a school sponsored plan and trust that the…

Andrew Hallam

Juara’s Top Accomodation: 1511 Coconut Grove, Pulau Tioman


Trekking with light backpacks along Pulau Tioman’s [] jungle path, my wife and I brainstormed who—among our friends–…

Andrew Hallam

Vanguard’s Exchange Traded Funds Headed for Hong Kong

#Expat Investing

If you’re an investor based in Hong Kong or Singapore, your lowest cost options for a globally diversified portfolio are exchange-traded funds on the U.…

Andrew Hallam

Millionaire Teacher Adds $20,000 to International Stock Index


Today was the first time I’ve invested money since March 17, 2013. Looking at the money I regularly invest, the proceeds are clearly coming from…

Andrew Hallam

Could You Dodge A Bursting Bond Market Bubble?


Headlines about a bond market meltdown are catching fire all over the world. In the UK, The Telegraph […

Andrew Hallam

An Expat Canadian in Japan, Finds A Way To Invest

#Expat Investing

One of my readers (an expat Canadian named Jon) was looking for investment options in Japan. He wanted to invest with low cost index funds, but…

Andrew Hallam

International Teachers: Are you investing enough money?

#Expat Investing #Retirement

To find out if you’re saving enough money, use my free, 13 minute seminar below: If you’re an international school teacher, you’re metaphorically…

Andrew Hallam