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Get The Most Out Of Life With These 4 Tips

#Lifestyle #Mindset

How long will you live? Nobody knows, for sure. But here are 4 ways to ensure you'll get more out of every minute.…

Andrew Hallam

Thailand: Retire In Style On A Shoestring

#Retirement #Lifestyle #Mindset

With some out-of-the-box thinking, you could retire like the rich… even if you aren’t. In this story, I write about Thailand.…

Andrew Hallam

The Behavioural Difference Between Active And Passive Investors

#Investing #Index Funds #Mindset

We know index funds earn better returns than actively managed funds. But did you know something occurs within the brains of active investors, making the performance gap even worse?…

Andrew Hallam

Smart Investing Isn't About Coveting What Others Own

#Investing #Financial Literacy #Mindset

Watching our friends make more with their investments triggers our brains’ pain receptors, often tempting us to buy what they bought. But this makes us a lot like chimpanzees...or lemmings…

Andrew Hallam

By Saving $500 A Month, You Could Have $1,033,000 Over 60 Years If You Keep Asking This One Question

#Mindset #Investing

Asking for discounts might not sound exciting. But it can have massive impacts when we invest what we save.…

Andrew Hallam

What The Psychology Of Rats Can Teach You About Lump Sum Investing

#Investing #Mindset #Financial Literacy

If you had a lump sum, would you invest it all at once, or dollar cost average that money over time? I weigh in on that debate, here:…

Andrew Hallam

Discover How The 'Fake Rich' And Your Work Colleagues Could Be Hurting Your Wealth

#Mindset #Lifestyle

If someone earns a million-dollar salary, but spends most of it on a lavish lifestyle, are they rich? Does our perception of wealth hurt our best intentions for following a solid financial plan? I answer the following questions here:…

Andrew Hallam

Zen and the Art of Investing For Your Future

#Mindset #Lifestyle #Investing

When I refer to "ego" it's a holistic sense of self that many Buddhists suggest we find a way to release. In this article, I argue that we can't fully free ourselves of ego, but if we want to invest well, we need to control it.…

Andrew Hallam

The Investment Paradox

#Mindset #Investing #Financial Literacy

An investment strategy that ends up making money could be an unsuitable plan for you. And a strategy that doesn't appear to be making money could be a solid plan. I discuss that paradox in this article.…

Andrew Hallam

What Russia's Aggression Means For You And Your Portfolio

#Investing #Mindset

When Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, ordered his military into Ukraine, he took a fire hose to a party that he wasn’t invited to. In this article, I explain what Russia's aggression means for you and your portfolio.…

Andrew Hallam