Is There A Better Way For Index Investors?
#InvestingIs there a better way for investors to index their portfolios? A bitter fight is breaking out over just that question. In one corner sits John…
High School Teenagers Investing
#ChildrenI teach a personal finance class to high school kids. So far, this school year, nearly 40 percent of my high school students have opened investment…
How To Respond When Your Advisor Tries to Dissuade You From Index Funds
#Advisors #InvestingIn my book, Millionaire Teacher […
Why America is Still The Land of Opportunity
#Lifestyle #InvestingDespite America’s suffocating debt levels and (what many consider) its self-defeating government policies, more foreigners than ever are wishing they were American. No, I’m…
How Singaporean Children Can Lead The Investment Pack
#ChildrenBecoming a millionaire isn’t as hard as most people think. You have to control your spending, save intelligently, and ensure that your money gets invested…
Would I Invest in the U.S. Stock Market at Current Price Levels?
#InvestingYour stomach is grumbling, and you’re aching for a slice of the best pizza in town. But how much will it cost you? To understand,…
Investment Maestro, Michael O'Higgins, Continues to Impress
#InvestingWhen I wrote my book, Millionaire Teacher […
Unnerved By Surging Markets? Try Value Averaging
#InvestingWith the U.S. market continuing to hit new highs, many investors are wondering whether it’s a case of too much too soon. During the…
ETF War Offers Opportunity For Canadians
#InvestingIt’s been a few years since we’ve had a good old-fashioned gas-price war at the pumps. But most of us can still remember the…
Millionaire Teacher Buying $50,000 of Canadian Bond Index
#Andrew's MoneyI hate it when stock markets rise. If you’re at least five years away from retirement, you should too. If you’re 20 years away…