Our Tropical, Mountain Christmas On Wheels
#LifestyleThis Christmas, Pele and I won’t be celebrating around a Christmas tree. Nor will we be basking on a tropical beach. Instead, the two of…
Passive Investing, The Evidence the Fund Management Industry Would Prefer You Not to See (Complete)
#Investing #AdvisorsA Documentary On Evidence Based Investing With Index Funds Here’s a finely produced UK documentary on indexed investing. It may have been funded by a…
Dale Carnegie 101 - Hope For the U.S. Airline Industry
#LifestyleMy wife is a penny-pincher. I’ve had my hand slapped in the supermarket when reaching for a second basket of organic blueberries. She says no…
I Really Love It When Stock Markets Fall
#Investing #MindsetI was thrilled by how the stock market performed during the first three weeks of November. It moved down — not up. It was a fabulous three…
Tony Noto - American Expatriate Financial Advisor Specialist
#Advisors #InvestingNOTE: Since doing this interview, Tony Noto is no longer based in China. He is now based in Honolulu, Hawaii and still deals exclusively with American…
School Stock Market Games Are A Bad Idea
#ChildrenMany well meaning teachers think they can teach their kids lifelong learning skills by introducing them to the stock market game. I commend the effort. But…
Investment Commissions Soon To Be Banned In The United Kingdom
#Advisors #InvestingMany people are still paying commissions to purchase investment products. High commissions entice many investment advisors to jump into bed with the fund company offering the…
How I Made My First Million - Part 1
#Talks and Interviews #InvestingI was interviewed for a short two-part television series titled How I Made My First Million. If you’re curious about the show, you can view…
How I Made My First Million - Part 2
I was interviewed for a short two-part television series titled How I Made My First Million. If you’re curious about the show, you can access…
Odd Advisors Are Best
#AdvisorsMost people wouldn’t want a loon managing their money. But perhaps they should reconsider. Low cost fee-based advisors—especially those building indexed portfolios—aren’t…