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How to Invest and Spend for Happiness, Health, and Wealth

Order this book to read about real success: how to spend for happiness, how to invest effectively, how to boost life satisfaction and enhance longevity. This might be the world's wisest personal finance book.

Five Common Investing Questions

#Financial Literacy #Investing

Whether posted on social media or asked after a presentation, I find these are the 5 most commonly asked questions about personal investing.…

Andrew Hallam

Andrew’s Books

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Beat The Investment Returns Of Almost Everyone You Know

#Investing #Mindset

What are the best funds in the world? Obviously, they're the funds that will make you the most money over your lifetime. Morningstar's latest research confirms what they are. I unpack their findings...with a goofy tale.…

Andrew Hallam

When Index Fund Investors Would Have Been Eaten Alive

#Financial Literacy #Investing #Index Funds

We didn't evolve to invest well. The ancient ones who could have passed on the right genetics were likely eaten by big cats and torn apart by bears.…

Andrew Hallam

September Kindness Lottery


Sign-up for Andrew's Kindness Lottery at [] for a chance to gift a free copy of Millionaire Teacher (second edition)…

Andrew Hallam

The Big Con: Promising Stock Market Returns Without Market Risk

#Advisors #Financial Literacy

Few people enter the financial services industry to make the world a better place. Many advisors are like a fox, given permission to raid the henhouse at night.…

Andrew Hallam

Andrew Hallam speaks with B-NOW, Bristol Myers Squibb, Switzerland

#Talks and Interviews

It's always inspiring when companies and international schools promote financial wellness. Last week, I spoke to employees from the B-NOW group at Bristol Myers…

Andrew Hallam

As COVID Fears Abate, The World Begins To Open Up


Globally, COVID regulations and protocols vary. As the world starts to open up, travelers can begin to take careful steps out.…

Andrew Hallam

Investments Purchased from European Banks are often Wolves in Sheep's Clothing

#Expat Investing

Before 2019, I didn't know that European banks routinely (yet sadly, legally) rob people who walk in and ask, "Could you please invest my money?" This story explains when and how I came to this conclusion.…

Andrew Hallam

Stocks Are Going To Crash

#Investing #Financial Literacy

US stocks are going to crash. I don’t know when. But they will. US stock market CAPE ratios are near an all-time high, and we haven’t had a double-digit calendar year decline for twelve years. Is that important? Read on for the answer to that question.…

Andrew Hallam

Money and Success: Andrew Hallam's interview with Sarwa

#Talks and Interviews

Andrew Hallam speak with Sarwa, the Dubai-based roboadvisor, about money and his definition of holistic success.…

Andrew Hallam
