Is This The World's Largest Behavioral Experiment?
#Mindset #Financial LiteracyThe madness of cryptocurrency may just be the world's largest behavioral experiment. We aren't as rational as we like to believe. And when tempted by greed, people become wildly irrational.…
When Speculation Crashes
#Financial Literacy #InvestingPlenty of new investors say, "I want to buy a S&P 500 index because US stocks earn the best returns." But if you're serious about earning long-term lifetime money, that's not the right mindset.…
Five Common Investing Questions
#Financial Literacy #InvestingWhether posted on social media or asked after a presentation, I find these are the 5 most commonly asked questions about personal investing.…
When Index Fund Investors Would Have Been Eaten Alive
#Financial Literacy #Investing #Index FundsWe didn't evolve to invest well. The ancient ones who could have passed on the right genetics were likely eaten by big cats and torn apart by bears.…
The Big Con: Promising Stock Market Returns Without Market Risk
#Advisors #Financial LiteracyFew people enter the financial services industry to make the world a better place. Many advisors are like a fox, given permission to raid the henhouse at night.…
Stocks Are Going To Crash
#Investing #Financial LiteracyUS stocks are going to crash. I don’t know when. But they will. US stock market CAPE ratios are near an all-time high, and we haven’t had a double-digit calendar year decline for twelve years. Is that important? Read on for the answer to that question.…
Young Investors, Would You Pass the Wizard's Test?
#Financial Literacy #Investing #MindsetYoung people should be thrilled when stocks crash, especially if stocks fall near the beginning of their investment journey. But plenty of new investors say, “This is great. I just start investing in ETFs and I’ve been doing really well.”…
Andrew Hallam speaks at Yongsan International School of Seoul (South Korea)
#Financial Literacy #Talks and InterviewsWhen leaders at schools and businesses take care of their employees' overall wellness, everyone benefits. So I was thrilled to help teachers at Yongsan International School of Seoul (YISS) with some personal financial planning last week.…
July's Kindness Lottery Winner #3
#Financial Literacy #LifestyleAndrew Hallam's Kindness Lottery winner for July is Karine Cote. If you want to be eligible for my Kindness lottery, please sign up on my website's home page.…
What Percentage Should You Have In Stocks And Bonds?
#Financial Literacy #InvestingFew people (if any) know their tolerance for risk until they've been tested. Your stock and bond allocation has more to do with emotions than performance. So respect what you might not know about yourself.…